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Participants are not required to attend all modules for this retreat:

participation in modules may be based on participant time-zone & preferred retreat 'track' 


All Times below are  US Pacific Time 

Please use this Time Zone Converter link to find your local time


Opening Day


Opening Session 5pm - 7pm (US Pacific Time)

(This session will be recorded for those unable to attend live)



Daily Schedule Days 2- 4:

Teachers will offer two modules per day each, alternating times


Module I:    7am - 9am (US Pacific Time)


  Module II:   11am - 1pm (US Pacific Time)


Module III:   3pm - 5pm (US Pacific Time)


Module IV:   7pm - 9pm (US Pacific Time)



Closing Day


Closing Session 9am - 11am (US Pacific Time)

(This session will be recorded for those unable to attend live)


Stay Tuned

Time Zone Clocks_edited.jpg


(Module Times in Different Countries!)

Our retreats offer a unique, flexible schedule, with four available, 2-hour modules each day that can be selected from based on time zone considerations or personal preference, and do not require participation in any sequential order. Participants can take part in any combination of modules that work for their time zone. (For MMTCP or CE credit: participants must take 3 modules, in full, each day.) This allows those who are in various time zones around the world to participate. However, the schedule is based on a U.S. West Coast Day, from 7am - 9pm.  Check YOUR time zone against the schedule, here: TIME CONVERTER


If outside of the US/Americas, potential participants should carefully review the times for modules in their own time zone to be sure that it is workable for them. Our website provides a link to a time zone converter to check. While many previous participants from countries like Australia and China have had a good experience on our retreats; these students, in order to incorporate 3 modules (as required for credit seeking participants,) have one module each day that goes either very late into the evening/early morning hours, or with a very early wake up time! We offer resources and materials to support your retreat for times when there are no live modules as well. Please check to make sure, if you are not in the Americas, that the schedule works for you!


Below are some Examples of Daily Module times converted for International participants that may be challenging: (remember, you only need 3 of these, potentially challenging times highlighted in red)


London, England: (I) 3pm-5pm; (II) 7pm-9pm; (III) 11pm - 1am; (IV) 3am-5am

Paris, France:        (I) 4pm-6pm; (II) 8pm-10pm; (III) Midnight - 2am; (IV) 4am-6am

Istanbul, Turkey:   (I) 5pm-7pm; (II) 9pm-11pm; (III) 1am - 3am; (IV) 5am-7am

Beijing, China:       (I) 10pm -12 Midnight; (II) 2am-4am; (III) 6am-8am; (IV) 10am - Noon

Sydney, Australia: (I) 12 Midnight - 2am; (II) 4am-6am; (III) 8am-10am; (IV) Noon-2pm

Small Group Teacher Meetings


Each retreatant will be assigned to a small group cohort for the opportunity to receive

individualized guidance to support their practice and retreat experience. 


Meetings may be scheduled at one of two times:


9:30am or 5:30pm Pacific Time




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