Information for MMTCP and/or CE Students:
'Qualifying' Retreat Requirements
This page is provided for students in Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach's Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) who will be participating in this retreat to receive credit as a 'qualifying' retreat, this information is also valid for those who wish to receive Continuing Educaton (CE) Hours for Health Professionals. If you are not in the MMTCP program, or are not participating to receive retreat credit or Professional CE Hours, this information is not applicable.
MMTCP/CE Retreat Participant Commitments:
MMTCP students will be required to sign an agreement (the PARTICPANT AGREEMENT FORM provided to registered participants prior to the retreat,) created by Sounds True and MMTCP, committing to a set of practice guidelines during their retreat. These guidelines include:
refraining from the use of technology (unrelated to retreat participation), news and social media
committing to a continuity of practice (practicing throughout the day and not only during online sessions,) MMTCP students are expected to take the retreat as an 'intensive' retreat.
practicing 'noble silence' as possible at home. (exceptions for child or elder care responsibilities)
taking the entire length of the retreat off from work, school, social, or other regular activities as you would for a residential retreat. It is not appropriate to participate in social, work, trainings or school related meetings or activities during an intensive retreat.
These practice guidelines support a retreat environment similar to what you would experience at a retreat center. It is understood that compromises may need to be made for those living with others and with certain childcare obligations, however, maintaining these practice conditions as much as possible will significantly impact your retreat experience and your ability to experience the deepening in practice that an intensive retreat offers.
In order to satisfy the MMTCP/CE requirements and to receive credit for this retreat MMTCP and CE students will also need to commit to and agree to:
Fill out both the PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT FORM and the RETREAT INFORMATION & ATTENDANCE FORM in a timely manner. (see below for details)
Attending a minimum 3 modules each day (a total of 9 modules,) Opening (first day) and Closing (final day) modules do NOT count toward attendance. Please see the schedule for this retreat to find the times Modules are offered; make sure to use the time-zone converter to find your times. All times are in US Pacific Time Zone.
Attending ALL assigned small group meetings.
Have video on and be present and participating for the full duration of any online practice periods they wish to receive credit for.
Having attendance tracked and submitted to Sounds True and/or SCA
Creating a continuity of practice during the retreat, including self practice during the time between Modules & and commitment to practicing 'noble silence' and refraining from social, school, work, trainings or other activities both online and off, for the duration of the retreat (from opening to closing module.)
Submitting a short form reporting their practice each day (a form will be linked on the main page of the Participant Retreat Portal,) with at least 2 additional daily formal practice periods off-line (30-45 min each) or during additional Module periods
For CE recipients ONLY: Fill out the Retreat Evaluation Form within 24 hours of the close of your retreat; this form will be sent out to you immediately after the end of the retreat, in order to receive CE Certificate. (This is NOT a requirement for MMTCP students; there is no 'certificate' for MMTCP students, as your retreat participation will be reported directly to the MMTCP.)
After you are fully registered for the retreat as a MMTCP or CE student your confirmation email will include a link to fill out the MMTCP Online Retreat PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT FORM provided by MMTCP, which will be submitted directly to our retreat team. Our team will provide a copy of this form to the MMTCP Administrative Office (and/or to SCA for CE Certificate.) If you have already filled out this form elsewhere, you will have to fill our form as well, as we are unable to accept emailed copies. We will review all Participant Agreement forms.
In addition to the PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT FORM, all participants (credit seeking and not,) must fill out the RETREAT INFORMATION & ATTENDANCE FORM; which asks information that will be provided to the teachers to support you in your small group meetings, and provides us your expected attendance/participation so that we can track your attendance.
The RETREAT INFORMATION & ATTENDANCE FORM will be sent out two (2) weeks prior to the retreat start and must be filled out within a few days of receipt in order for us to be able to provide the teachers with your information and to organize your small group meetings. In the event we do not receive your forms in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee our ability to track your attendance and provide credit. Please be sure to monitor your email inbox for information beginning two weeks before your retreat. If you do not receive communications from us, first check your spam email folder and then reach out to us to let us know: contact.
Q: When and where can I fill out the PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT FORM?
A: You will receive a link to this form in your registration confirmation email, as well as in communications from us approximately 2 weeks prior to your retreat. MMTCP & CE seeking students must fill this form out.
Q: When and where can I fill out the RETREAT INFORMATION & ATTENDANCE FORM?
A: A link to this form will be sent out to ALL registered participants approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of the retreat, along with other retreat information. This must be filled out at least 10 days prior to the retreat start in order for us to be able to ensure you are scheduled in your small group meeting and to be able to track your attendance during your retreat.