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One World Mindfulness

A Unique Model for Live Online Retreat 
with robust support for a full retreat experience at home
including teacher support
2024 - 2025  Retreats:

December 14 - 18, 2024: Opening to Wisdom and Love   Retreat Full

January 15 - 19, 2025: Freeing the Heart, Awakening Insight
Registration Closed
+ coming soon: classes & workshops with Insight Meditation Teachers

Retreats Appropriate for New & Experienced Meditators 


Meets the requirements as a qualifying retreat for Mindfulness Teacher Training Programs, including:

 The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program*  & 

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) Facilitator Training


18 Continuing Education (CE) Hours available for Health Professionals (APA)

Live Online

practice in community

Live Online

practice in community

  • Up to 8 hours of Live, Teacher-Led Retreat Time each day

  • small group teacher meetings

  • Practice in an online community with other practitioners on Zoom

Live Online

practice in community

The Flock

Flexible Schedule

options Fit Your

Intention & Needs


Flexible Schedule

options Fit Your

Intention & Needs


Flexible Schedule

options Fit Your

Intention & Needs

Four independent 2-hour teacher-led modules offered each day: Attend fewer modules to deepen your practice while integrating daily life*; or utilize the full daily schedule for an intensive retreat like you would experience at a retreat center.  (VIEW SCHEDULE)


Accommodate your unique home/work life schedule, time-zone, and personal practice intention

(*MMTCP/CE seekers must satisfy requirements)

Buddhist Monk Meditating


for your






at home


for your






at home


to Support

at home 



  • Retreatant-only portal with resources to support your full retreat experience online & off

  • On-demand practice videos to support your home practice

  • Downloadable personalizable retreat schedules & guidance to create a retreat 'container' at home



A Unique, Flexible Online Retreat Experience for Our Times


In this time of radical change there is a great need for the steadiness and peace that can be found in deepening mindfulness practice. 


Home-retreats can be a profound opportunity for deepening practice, and offer many benefits. But for some, the idea of an 'online' retreat feels both less compelling and more difficult than visiting a retreat center; trying to practice at home, amidst all of our usual distractions can be challenging. 


Most online retreat opportunities offer either a highly intensive, continuous online experience that can become wearying over time, and doesn't necessarily meet the needs or conditions of every at-home meditator; or alternatively, a few drop-in meditations and talks which don't offer a 'retreat container' or the kind of support that a fully scheduled retreat offers. Either option making it difficult to commit or feel supported in our individual at-home environment or circumstances. 


This unique live, online format provides the conditions that ideally support your practice at home, at the level of intensity that makes sense for you. Supporting an intensive schedule or a more integrated one, while also offering teacher support in small group meetings just as you would receive with an in-person retreat experience.


One World Mindfulness Retreats provides an opportunity for a retreat experience that ideally supports your practice, with the flexibility to integrate intensive and progressive practice of varying levels into your own schedule.



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There is a true happiness, which doesn't depend upon circumstances, that can be found in the practice of mindfulness. 


An Insight - "Mindfulness" - Retreat is a radically different kind of respite from daily life; one that cultivates a more reliable relief that transcends worldly pleasure and pain.


Photo courtesy Sam Carter

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